How to Calculate Stair Dimensions

How to Calculate Stair Dimensions

Are you looking for an easy way to calculate the dimensions of your stairs? This blog post will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to to this.
Stair Tread Dimensions Reading How to Calculate Stair Dimensions 5 minutes Next Curved Stair Dimensions

Staircases are an essential part of any home, and they require careful consideration when it comes to design and safety. One way to add both style and safety to your stairs is by installing carpet stair treads.

However, before you can install them, you need to get your stair dimensions right. In this guide, we'll show you how to measure stair steps properly for installing carpet stair treads. We'll also cover how to decide on the proper size for your personal preferences and provide tips for installing and maintaining your carpet stair treads.

Getting your stair dimentions will give you the information you need, when deciding which size carpet stair treads to purchase. 

How to calculate stair dimensions:

  1. Have a measuring tape, paper, and pencil, handy
  2. Measure the width (from one side to the other)
  3. Meaure the depth (from front edge to the back wall of the step)
  4. Measure the hight (from the top of one step to the top of the next)
  5. Write down measurements on paper

How To Measure Curved Stairs

Calculating curved stair dimensions requires a few steps.

  1. First, measure the total rise of the stair, which is the vertical distance between the top and bottom of the stair.
  2. Next, divide the total rise by the number of steps to determine the individual rise of each step.
  3. Then, measure the total run of the stair, which is the horizontal distance between the top and bottom of the stair.
  4. Finally, divide the total run by the number of steps to determine the individual run of each step. Once these measurements are taken, the dimensions of the curved stair can be calculated.

What are stair treads?

Stair treads are the horizontal surfaces that make up each step of a staircase. They are designed to provide a safe and stable surface for people to walk on.

What are carpet stair treads?

Carpet stair treads are a type of stair covering that is designed to be installed over existing stair treads. They are made from a variety of materials, including carpet, rubber, and vinyl, and are available in a range of colors and patterns.

What are the benefits of using carpet stair treads?

Carpet stair treads offer several benefits, including:

  • Improved safety: Carpet stair treads provide a non-slip surface that can help prevent slips and falls on the stairs.
  • Enhanced style: Carpet stair treads come in a range of colors and patterns, making it easy to add a stylish touch to your stairs.
  • Reduced noise: Carpet stair treads can help reduce noise on the stairs, making them a great option for homes with children or pets.

Measuring Stair Steps for Carpet Stair Treads

Before you can install carpet stair treads, you need to measure your stair steps to ensure a proper fit. Here's how to do it:

Tools needed for measuring stair steps

  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • Paper

How to measure the width of a stair step

Measure the width of the stair step from one side to the other. Be sure to measure the narrowest part of the step, as this will determine the width of your carpet stair tread.

How to measure the depth of a stair step

Measure the depth of the stair step from the front edge to the back edge. Be sure to measure the deepest part of the step, as this will determine the depth of your carpet stair tread.

How to measure the height of a stair step

Measure the height of the stair step from the top of one step to the top of the next step. This measurement is known as the "total rise."

Deciding on the Proper Size for Your Carpet Stair Treads

Once you have your stair dimensions, you can decide on the proper size for your carpet stair treads. Here are some factors to consider:

Factors to consider when deciding on the size of your carpet stair treads

  • Building codes: Check your local building codes to ensure that your carpet stair treads meet the required building code standards.
  • Personal preference: Depending on how much of your stair step you want visible, will determine how wide you want your carpet stair treads to be. Traditionally, 2-3 inches on either side of the carpet stair tread is average spacing. Depending on how much visible wood is exposed, will change the aesthetic of your design of the staircase. 

Tips for choosing the right size for your personal preferences

  • Consider the style of your home: Choose carpet stair treads that complement the style of your home.
  • Think about the color: Choose a color that matches your decor or adds a pop of color to your stairs.
  • Consider the size of your family: If you have small children or pets, consider choosing wider carpet stair treads for added safety.


Measuring stair steps properly is essential for installing carpet stair treads that provide both style and safety to your stairs. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your carpet stair treads fit properly. If you're a DIY enthusiast looking to build stairs from scratch, this guide has everything you need to get started.

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